Books & Entertainment

  • Books & Entertainment

    Justin Timberlake – The Man of the Woods Tour Review

    This last Saturday, April 28, I had the distinct pleasure of attending Justin Timberlake‘s Man of the Woods tour during its LA stop at the Forum in Inglewood. I should preface this now by saying this isn’t a totally unbiased review. I have loved Justin Timberlake for about 20 years (more if you count MMC) and was deeply, deeply obsessed with *NSync during their late 90’s/early 2000’s reign of popdom.  I have attended not only 6 of their concerts, but 3 other solo JT ones as well. That being said, I will be absolutely honest in that I skipped his last tour because I didn’t love his last album (The…

  • Books & Entertainment

    Book Review: the Stillhouse Lake Series

    You guys, I love to read. Really, truly, love it. Need it, actually. Since I was very young, books have been my way out. They are my way of entering new worlds and escaping my own reality- worlds where anything is possible, where characters come in every conceivable size, shape, and kind. You can imagine those characters as you please (the downside of TV & films), and you can keep imagining them long after you’re finished reading their story. Books are my only path to visiting different universes, they are a constant and cherished friend, and always there to help me escape when I need them. For that reason, I…